Cosmetology is the art and science of beautifying and improving the skin, hair, and the study of cosmetics and their application.
Manicuring is the art of manicures, pedicures, artificial nails and nail art.
Estheticians are licensed professionals who are experts in maintaining and improving healthy skin.
Cosmetology Students:
Start their training by spending the first:
Day class 15 weeks in the Junior classroom
Night class 23 weeks in Junior classroom
We limit the class size to 10 to 15 students
Manicuring Students::
Start their training by spending the first:
Day class 4 weeks
Night class 6 weeks
We limit the class size to 4 to 5 students
Esthetics Students:
Start their training by spending the first:
Night class 6 to 8 weeks in the Junior Classroom
Switch to day class when certified to advance
We start only 2 Esthetics classes per year
We limit the class size to 4 to 5 students
The Junior class is set up with revolving enrollment. New classes start every month with the exception of Esthetics. You will learn the how of the subject as well as the theory. We have found over the years it is easier to relate the theory of the subject with complete comprehensive study vs. per chapter basis. After completion of your Junior class and you have been certified in all your subjects, you will advance to the Senior clinic floor. This is where put your class knowledge to use on patrons and other students.