Gerber Akron Beauty School would like to provide the following information as an institution who participates in the Federal Student Assistance program authorized by Title iv of the Higher Education Act of 1965.
The following are required disclosures for the courses offered:
Occupations (by name, Net-Soc code with link to occupational profiles on O*Net)
Hairdresser, Hairstylists and Cosmetologist 39-5012
Skin Care Specialist 39-5094
Manicurists 39-5092
National Student Loan Date System (NSLDS)
The cip code for Cosmetology is: 12.0401
The cip code for skin care is: 12.0409
The cip code for manicurist is: 12.0410
Government links:
Net Price Calculator
Our 2017 Annual report showed that:
Of the 84 students who were scheduled to graduate 61 actually completed their training within the 150% time frame. 72.62 % completion rate.
We had 56 students scheduled to take their State Exam in 2017 and 50 of those students took both parts of the exam and passed. 89.29% license rate.
Of the 61 students eligible for employment, 40 students found employment in a field for which training prepared them.
65.57% Placement rate